
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Last Post

Goodbye Blogger. =)

Point Proven

Maybe my belief for it is so strong that i sub-consciously moved towards it.
But in the end, my point is still proven.
And my concerns were not too exaggerated were they? =)

But whatever makes you feel better.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


There are many forms of happiness in a person's life.
You can be happy from a pleasant comment from someone else,
Or you can be happy just by looking at something pleasant.

For many of us, I guess happiness has become too complicated.
In the long run, you start to expect more to satisfy your search for happiness.
You make your own checklist of things to be fulfilled before you can call yourself happy.

Remember the times when you were carefree and be happy most of the time?
I believe it is up to choice for one to be unhappy.
It is also up to choice if you want to make or break someone's day.

Everything we do can be happiness, until you decide to expect more done to fulfill your happiness.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Moment

Most of our life is a series of images.
They pass us by like towns on the highway.
But sometimes the moment stuns us as it happens.
And we know that this instance is more than a fleeting image.
We know that this moment,
Every part of it,
Will live on forever.

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