
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Final Wish

so one fine day..
he was in his office early in the morning..
going about his daily routine..
a phone call came..
a familiar voice on the other end..

a man was crying on the phone..
a man who misses his friends..
friends the man hasn't seen for 10 years..

"where are you?" he asked..
"SGH" replied the man..

the abrupt phone call..
full of regrets for drifting away from his friends..
a final wish for a reunion with his friends..

such is life..


Monday, April 09, 2007


"phobia: a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it." - http://www.dictionary.com

humans.. we are afraid of many things.. afraid of having no money.. afraid of ghosts.. afraid of parents.. afraid of boyfriends/girlfriends.. afraid of spouses.. every little thing in the world might be the source of one's darkest fears..

some are ridiculous.. some are just because we humans simply think too much.. some worries and phobias are just baseless and uncalled for.. we just.. think too much..

like the phobia for the friday the 13th (paraskavedekatriaphobia).. why on earth would you need to be afraid of that for!? it's all in the mind.. chill.

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